The story of The Dark Star is the story of an extra-dimensional BEing coming to the aid of a less-evolved Self. The story begins with a man who expects that any moment may be his last because he is already long past the estimated "time left to live", according to the doctors. The only time that he can ever have is the current moment. He is unable to plan for anything. This impossible situation results in such gravity to the current moment that the past and future no longer exist for him. He is forever trapped in the present moment. In this vulnerable state, he falls for a woman who takes advantage of his compromised state and destroys his remaining sense of Self with cruel intent. He collapses in on himself like a star collapsing into a black hole. Being trapped in the present moment forces all states of his BEing into the present moment and focuses this collapse into a singularity of Self. The Dark Star, is born. This collapse into a singularity of Self allows The Extra-dimensional to BE in the same continuum of reality, where he demonstrates to the local Self, what it is to BE in an extra-dimensional capacity.
The music is a collection of songs that span the story of The Dark Star, which is the new identity of the local host. These songs take place in alternate continuums of reality, where the eventualities differ from the moments of this continuum of reality. I bring the experience of those other "Selves" into this reality as part of the extra-dimensional story of The Dark Star.
The crest of The Dark Star shows the last light of a star collapsing into a black hole. At the same time, it shows the first light of an emerging star in an alternate continuum of reality. The crest of The Dark Star is a symbol which simultaneously represents the destruction of one's previous self and the awakening of their extra-dimensional BEing.
The "Videos" section contains videos of some of the songs.
The "Lyrics" section contains the lyrics of the songs.
The section "Self Expression on Guitar" contains some of my thoughts on how to express YOUR "SELF" with the guitar and your vocals. It covers aspects of expressing your self in the form of music. I go into great detail on aspects of BEing your unique self and expressing it in this way.
The "Personal" section contains several narratives on experiences in my life that one would consider "out of the ordinary". There are also narratives on the history of some of the music that is The Dark Star, and the source experiences that drove the creation of some of the songs.
The "Pictures" section contains pics mostly from performances.
The "Music" section contains recordings of a few of the songs.
The "About" section is what you are currently reading.
The "Contact" section is where you can contact me.
This is a work in progress. I am currently developing material to illustrate exactly how to "BE" an extra-dimensional. When the site is complete, this message will disappear.